About Us

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we embrace a set of principles, and philosophies that we use as Life Coaching tools and processes to enable the process of a meaningful and rewarding journey of Personal Transformation and Relationship Coaching.

Our Life Coaching tools:

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy principles (CBT)
  • Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy principles (REBT)
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming model
  • Mindfulness practice
  • Mental health and wellness principles
  • Life Coaching
  • Interactive Learning and awareness mini-workshops


Explore your life on a more empowering level and formulate practical, solution-oriented approaches to problems.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE, we embrace the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which includes encouraging a client to change their unhelpful thinking patterns and behaviours.

We work with the client to establish when they first began to use negative thought patterns, which often entails thinking about key events in their life to date. Over the years, experience has shown us that people do not just react directly to life events, instead they react to their feelings (the emotions that were in play), about these events. Distorted thought patterns are responsible for psychological distress, so it makes sense that a key focus is to highlight a client's unhelpful thought patterns and challenging them on it.

The extent to which an event affects an individual depends on the thinking style they use when processing incoming information. Every person has different traits, circumstances, history, personalities and attributes, and this is the reason why we believe that there should be a different approach towards each individual concerning their journey of personal transformation.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE our belief is that it is essential for the coaching and transformation process, that the client learn to manage irrational or unhealthy thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.
NLP is a method for modeling excellence.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we practice Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) – this is the study of how we think and communicate, with ourselves and with others, and how we can use this to get the results that we want. NLP is a powerful approach that explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic), and our patterns of behavior and emotion (programming).

Neuro-Linguistic Programming studies the relationship between the language of an individual, their mind frame and how these things can affect our actions and behaviours. Having its foundation based in the disciplines of linguistics and psychiatry, NLP is primarily concerned with how individuals take in and make sense out of information.

NLP is the way you can understand how you work, why you do what you do, say what you say, and offers insight into how you can change any unwanted behaviours you wish to change about yourself. We do not operate on, or in the real world, or outside of ourselves, but on our interpretation of it. (Things happen and we attribute meaning to those things.) Nothing has any meaning in and of itself, other than the meaning we give to it. Things are happening all the time, and we are always asking. “What does this mean, and how must I respond?”. (We are meaning making machines) Most of us have mental maps of the territory (the world outside of ourselves), and often assume our maps represent the territory – in other words that our experiences are objective, true, real and valid.

However, no-one’s map can possibly represent the territory, since we all interpret things differently. Each person believes themselves to have the facts, and yet we all differ. We interpret everything according to our experience and understanding. Neuro-linguistic programming is a way of changing someone's thoughts and behaviours to help achieve desired outcomes for them NLP is a behavioural method that uses the power of reframing to help people overcome their limiting beliefs.
Mindfulness is a way to empty the mind, not fill it.

The mind is a great tool for problem-solving, but it’s not great at settling down and being with what is. Most of the time, the mind is wandering around in the past or the future rather than in the present.

That means it’s full of thoughts, stories, and narratives that don’t necessarily have anything to do with what’s actually happening at the moment. In some cases, the mind may be caught up in stories that aren’t even based in reality. Mindfulness can offer respite from a busy mind, though it takes conscious intention and regular practice.

Mindfulness is the practice of gently focusing your awareness on the present moment over and over again. It often involves focusing on sensations to root yourself in your body in the here and now. It can be practiced during formal meditation or during everyday activities, like cooking, or walking. On the other hand, a full mind means you’re not rooted in the present moment. It’s the nature of the mind to think, analyse, and figure things out. That’s its job.

That means that left to its own devices, the mind will constantly seek out new stimuli, new things to think about, and new ways to check out from reality. Mindfulness entails noticing what is going on in the moment, rather than worrying about the future or ruminating about the past.
A life coach does not “make a person change”, but only facilitates the change.

Personal Transformation coaching
At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we help a Client to explore what they want in life, define attainable dreams and aspirations, find answers and ways to achieve their goals and understand their own potential, skills and talents. Ultimately it means finding your truth and taking action We assist individuals to discover answers based on their own values, preferences and perspectives, and show that the process is more reflective than a directive process, which attempts to instil knowledge by asking questions and challenging clients to find answers from within themselves.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we work alongside each client to achieve specific purposes and future goals. We do this in order to assist the client with self-development. Therefore, goals are usually short-term focused. We request the client to create a vision for their life, and encourage them to take full responsibility for their lives, as this is empowering. We request the client to be committed into the life plan and journey, and in the process to work towards gaining a growth mind set.

We encourage the client to select from the Interactive learning and awareness mini workshops to gain further insight and understanding into the areas of their life that they would be refining.
Trust + Acceptance + Consistency + Time = RELATIONSHIP

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we have come to know that successful, mindful relationships require wisdom. Our interpretation of a relationship is an endeavour undertaken by two people. It is a way that two or more people are connected, or the way they behave toward each other. Relationships are a cornerstone of happiness and living a full life. This is because they come with a wide array of rewards. Relationships provide us with friends and family to share our lives with and people who can help us out in tough times. Wisdom is a process of comprehension that comes through the transformation of learning into lived experience. Applied to our meaningful relationships, this means we are on a quest to understand ourselves and our partner and to train our minds to think appropriately in the context of that relationship.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we value relationships highly, and certainly encourage the practice of Mindfulness, which allows us to see clearly how we are thinking and behaving within our relationships. We often take it for granted how much personal relationships affect us and how they can change our lives for better or worse. Relationships are one of the most beautiful gifts in life because they give people a chance to love and be loved. In a society where people are more connected than ever before, it can be harder to keep our relationships healthy. The most important relationship and the one that will have the most significant impact on you is the one you have with yourself.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we place a high value and emphasis on communication in relationships, because conflicts between two or more individuals usually arise because neither party fully appreciates the other's point of view or possesses the skills required to resolve problems within the relationship. When two people arrive in a relationship with different expectations around communication styles, the stage is set for misunderstandings and conflict unless they both make a conscious effort to relate positively to one another and to appreciate that their perspectives will be different. Unfortunately, good communication in relationships is a real challenge, particularly for people who were not encouraged to express their emotions or work out disagreements in a constructive manner when they were growing up.
At HUMAN EXPERIENCE, we know that life is a continuous process of personal development and growth. Therefore, it is not always sufficient to assist a client with their journey by engaging with them and assisting them to find their truth and structure a plan going forward. We want to do more, and empower a client to know that understanding is crucial to learning about anything or anybody.

So, we trust that the client’s life plan and journey, be it personal transformation or relationship coaching, will be more effective if the action items have been discovered by an understanding of what the journey looks like, and why it looks like that. To this objective, we have a process that we call the interactive learning and awareness mini- workshops. These mini-workshops are concerned with the broader topics of CBT, NLP, Mindfulness and Life Coaching (personal transformation and Relationships).

The Client should ideally know and understand their own vision and journey and what it will take to get there, and they know this because they have understood the life conditions they are in right now, and how they got there, and why these life conditions prevail. Therefore, the interactive learning and awareness mini-workshops would be instrumental in the clients understanding of a specific area within a life condition.

This leads to their truth, and drives them to lay out the personal transformation vision and action on it, whilst composing compelling goals. Therefore, the Interactive, learning and awareness mini workshops are focussed sessions on a specific topic that the client may want to gain knowledge in, to plan the journey of personal transformation, or conduct the relationship with improved effect.

Challenge unhelpful thoughts to avoid negative emotions or behaviours

Rational emotive behavioural therapy (REBT) is the original form Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that heals emotional problems by challenging irrational beliefs.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we take a rational and logical approach to life coaching, with the understanding that this is critical to transforming human behavior.

We apply the most logical and sound psychological interventions of the ABC technique (prototypal to REBT) in a simplistic way, such that anyone can understand, relate with it and use it themselves to change their negative thinking patterns.

At HUMAN EXPERIENCE we are fully aware that it is not helpful to label people, to define people, to diagnose them, or address their ‘’conditions’’.

There is an alternative approach that we can take which is instead of focusing on the problems people are experiencing, rather focus on our ideal outcomes, in other words what is it that people essentially want, which is to be well, to be decisive to be strong, responsible, mature and robust human beings.

As a result of this approach, many of the mini-workshops are concerned with mental health and wellness, and as such we strive to assist our Clients in that area of growth and development.