
When we start to understand the human experience we can then start to make sense of how and why it is that we feel the way that we do sometimes, and it also allows us to relate more effectively to other people.

It is essential to understand how our thoughts can trigger emotional states, and how these states can influence our decision making process, (actions), and in turn how our decisions (actions), can determine the outcomes we have in life for better or for worse.


Get to know what it means to pursue and obtain positive mental health and the key attributes of a fully functioning human being.

Come to grips with understanding your perceptions, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.


As we make self awareness our number one goal, we will need to build more self discipline, and boundaries into our life.

When we become more self disciplined we will become more naturally self regulated, which means  we will be less likely to “react” to all that stuff in the outside world (what other people think, what’s  being said in the news,  following trends etc).

If we are responding more to our fears and events and things in the outside world, than to our own desires and passions, we are not going to end up anywhere useful.


Identify the type of person you want in your life, and why it is the type of person you should strive to become as well.

Understand the different levels of self-awareness.


The process or the journey towards maturity is always going to be a work in progress or an on-going thing.

The journey even though it is work in progress is better than going around in circles, being told by professionals that we are broken, we have disorders, diseases and conditions.

Many people will go through life defending their disorders until they are blue in the face, but now we can  move away from this and start a journey towards maturity.


Get information on the 7 stages of personal maturity. Understand the process or the journey towards maturity which is always going to be a work in progress or an on-going thing.

The journey even though it is work in progress is better than going around in circles, being told by professionals that we are broken, we have disorders, diseases and conditions.


Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself.

It is a  habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.

It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation.


What is the function of the mind. Understanding your mindset, which is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself.

It is a  habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.

It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. 'What is the nature of thinking, choosing and reasoning.


Undesired / negative emotional states are the consequences of people’s irrational and often unhelpful patterns of thought.

Most people who struggle with negative emotional states usually have not yet learned how to evaluate the health or accuracy of their logic patterns and to self-regulate.


Why it is important to develop wise reasoning skills.

Changing the outcome of emotional turmoil, and forming good habits.


The ways that family members interact with one another are commonly referred to as family dynamics.

They are heavily influenced by culture, traditions, family history, learned skills, emotions, and the roles and hierarchy within a family. Close family relationships afford a person better health and well-being, as well as lower rates of depression and disease throughout a lifetime. But in many families, getting along isn't a given.


Understand the nature of family dynamics and how to resolve family conflict.

Understanding behaviours that cause conflict in family relationships.


The only freedom we have in life are the choices and decisions we make. People tend to limit themselves by over-identifying with terms that cap their potential to grow, and then sometimes adjust their behaviours to align  with how they define themselves. Be the person people want to be with because they feel safe with you as you are genuine, sincere, trusting, and honest.


Getting to appreciate that we should understand the variety of options we have in life, and how it sets us up to make much wiser decisions, and more well-informed decisions too.

A look at the 6 aspects of life

When our image of who we think we should be (Ideal self), does not match up with our perception of who we are today (Actual self), we are in a state of incongruence.


As part of our belief system, assumptions help us form judgments, make meaning, and draw conclusions about what is happening and what others are thinking. Assumptions are dangerous, and contribute in a major way to miscommunication. Albert Ellis, the founding father of REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy), suggested that there are a small number of unhelp emotions that underlie our behaviours. The meaning of life according to Viktor Frankl lies in finding a purpose and taking responsibility for ourselves and other human beings.


Why assumptions are the ''killer'' of human connections, and how it is that irrational beliefs bind people to disempowerment.

A look at Logotherapy - according to Viktor Frankl. Finding a purpose in life and taking responsibility for ourselves and other human beings.


A relationship is the way two or more people are connected, or the way they behave toward each other.

We often take it for granted how much personal relationships affect us and how they can change our lives for better or worse.

Everyone who chooses to be in a relationship will experience problems in their relationship from time to time.

Whether big or small, we can learn how to deal with relationship problems through healthy communication, mutual respect, and compromise


The definition of a relationship and choosing the most effective ways to build relationships.

A look at 10 subtle habits that secretly harm relationships, and dealing with conflict in relationships.


Life balance and problem resolution is an ongoing process, which will always be shaped by the strategies we have for managing our lives. It’s within these strategies that we can wind up misplacing our priorities and find ourselves falling out of balance. In order to get the lives we want, or even greater fulfilment within our lives, it is necessary to take stock, and do so regularly. We need to honestly assess our own perceptions of our lives.


Understanding what a life balance is and why it is important.

In order to get the lives we want, or even greater fulfilment within our lives, it is necessary to take stock, and do so regularly.

A look at the Life Conditions and what they are.

Find life harmony by being able to find purpose and meaning in how we’re investing our time.


For most people, situations that bring uncertainty into our lives often trigger an unconscious set of ‘protective measures’ that allow us to manage our daily unpleasant emotions better. We use defence mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise when we feel threatened in some way or when we perceive someone to be bringing our ego under attack.


Understanding the irresponsibility strategies (Defence mechanisms), that are used for challenging any experience.

They are habits we form and use to defend ourselves when we receive feedback from people and we want to reject it or deny it.

Sometimes it is a way to not take responsibility for what is actually true, at all costs.


Rapport is the bridge we build between people as we are in the process or earning trust, and it is how we begin to connect with other people. We win trust by showing people that we are actually interested. Rapport is a harmonious relationship between people who have established mutual trust.


How to obtain the elusive condition known as Rapport.

It is  a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.

Rapport is the bridge we build between people as we are in the process or earning trust, and it is how we begin to connect with other people.


John Calvin Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership.

Titles include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. This is an overview of these 21 laws.


Learn about John Calvin Maxwell  - an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership.

Titles include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership


Counselling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish good mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. It is a process that occurs between a client and a counsellor over a period of time and multiple sessions, which may explore difficulties being experienced by the client due to negative emotional states or external stress. Our frames of reference are extremely important for making decisions that are consistent with our values, aligned with our preferences, and relevant to our past experiences.


Counselling is described as a journey towards self-actualisation.

The heart of Counselling is unconditional acceptance, unconditional positive regard, empathy, and to identify the heart of the person. (no, words, labels, beliefs, prejudices and so on)

A counsellor cannot bring judgement, opinion or culture into a conversation, else the trust is broken, and when trust is broken, you lost your client. The relationship will go no further.


At the centre of the Human Givens theory is the belief that all humans have an inherent set of emotional needs which motivate and drive their thoughts and behaviours throughout life.

We have physiological needs such as food, water, shelter, clothing and warmth which ensure our survival; but we also possess more complex and mature emotional needs which, when met, allow us to grow and thrive as individuals, and if not met can cause mental distress.


To appreciate that if our core emotional needs are not met, we tend to become more susceptible to debilitating emotions such as depression, anxiety and procrastination.

It’s important that we have a comprehensive understanding of all emotional core needs so that we  can identify those which we need to address.


This covers the basics of addiction counselling and gives us an understanding and insight into addiction and the challenges that addicts face,  and those of their family's and loved ones as well.  Addiction is far from straight-forward. No two people suffer from the grips of addiction in the same way and there are many types of addiction. After all, addiction is secretive by nature and an addict will often hide the truth from those around them and, lie to themselves also. We can never take everything at face value.


People from all walks of life suffer from addiction.

Therefore, we must never judge because people fall foul of addictive substances or, find themselves vulnerable and needing something to help them get by in life.

This varies from person to person but of course, people become addicted to an emotional or physical crutch.


This covers the basics of addiction counselling and gives us an understanding and insight into addiction and the challenges that addicts face,  and those of their family's and loved ones as well.  Addiction is far from straight-forward. No two people suffer from the grips of addiction in the same way and there are many types of addiction. After all, addiction is secretive by nature and an addict will often hide the truth from those around them and, lie to themselves also. We can never take everything at face value.


People from all walks of life suffer from addiction.

Therefore, we must never judge because people fall foul of addictive substances or, find themselves vulnerable and needing something to help them get by in life.

This varies from person to person but of course, people become addicted to an emotional or physical crutch.


This covers the basics of addiction counselling and gives us an understanding and insight into addiction and the challenges that addicts face,  and those of their family's and loved ones as well.  Addiction is far from straight-forward. No two people suffer from the grips of addiction in the same way and there are many types of addiction. After all, addiction is secretive by nature and an addict will often hide the truth from those around them and, lie to themselves also. We can never take everything at face value.


People from all walks of life suffer from addiction.

Therefore, we must never judge because people fall foul of addictive substances or, find themselves vulnerable and needing something to help them get by in life.

This varies from person to person but of course, people become addicted to an emotional or physical crutch.


This covers the basics of addiction counselling and gives us an understanding and insight into addiction and the challenges that addicts face,  and those of their family's and loved ones as well.  Addiction is far from straight-forward. No two people suffer from the grips of addiction in the same way and there are many types of addiction. After all, addiction is secretive by nature and an addict will often hide the truth from those around them and, lie to themselves also. We can never take everything at face value.


People from all walks of life suffer from addiction.

Therefore, we must never judge because people fall foul of addictive substances or, find themselves vulnerable and needing something to help them get by in life.

This varies from person to person but of course, people become addicted to an emotional or physical crutch.


This covers the basics of addiction counselling and gives us an understanding and insight into addiction and the challenges that addicts face,  and those of their family's and loved ones as well.  Addiction is far from straight-forward. No two people suffer from the grips of addiction in the same way and there are many types of addiction. After all, addiction is secretive by nature and an addict will often hide the truth from those around them and, lie to themselves also. We can never take everything at face value.


People from all walks of life suffer from addiction.

Therefore, we must never judge because people fall foul of addictive substances or, find themselves vulnerable and needing something to help them get by in life.

This varies from person to person but of course, people become addicted to an emotional or physical crutch.


This covers the basics of addiction counselling and gives us an understanding and insight into addiction and the challenges that addicts face,  and those of their family's and loved ones as well.  Addiction is far from straight-forward. No two people suffer from the grips of addiction in the same way and there are many types of addiction. After all, addiction is secretive by nature and an addict will often hide the truth from those around them and, lie to themselves also. We can never take everything at face value.


People from all walks of life suffer from addiction.

Therefore, we must never judge because people fall foul of addictive substances or, find themselves vulnerable and needing something to help them get by in life.

This varies from person to person but of course, people become addicted to an emotional or physical crutch.


This covers the basics of addiction counselling and gives us an understanding and insight into addiction and the challenges that addicts face,  and those of their family's and loved ones as well.  Addiction is far from straight-forward. No two people suffer from the grips of addiction in the same way and there are many types of addiction. After all, addiction is secretive by nature and an addict will often hide the truth from those around them and, lie to themselves also. We can never take everything at face value.


People from all walks of life suffer from addiction.

Therefore, we must never judge because people fall foul of addictive substances or, find themselves vulnerable and needing something to help them get by in life.

This varies from person to person but of course, people become addicted to an emotional or physical crutch.


Anger is an emotional reaction to a situation that motivates you to make changes. It stimulates your sympathetic nervous system to trigger a fight-or-flight response, which starts a number of physical changes. 



Unfortunately volatile anger can be incredibly destructive, as those around you may feel they need to walk on eggshells for fear of triggering your rage.


All humans have emotional needs, and when those needs are met, we experience emotional fulfilment. As emotions come from within us, fulfilment must come from within, too



To be emotionally fulfilled, we need to feel connected to other people.
We need to experience friendship, love, and intimacy.
If this emotional need isn't being met, make it a priority to spend time with your friends or even make new ones.


Mental Health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realise their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. Mental disorders comprise a broad range of problems, with different symptoms. They are generally characterised by some combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and relationships with others.



To support individuals facing mental health issues.
It is essential to get educated about issues related to mental disorders, and to be an active listener for those who are struggling.
It is also essential to provide a safe space for them to express their feelings.